• For security reasons, all deals should be conducted using a middleman or escrow service. If a deal is completed without a middleman or escrow service and you get scammed, it's at your own risk.

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    Transferring Diablo Immortal Account​

    Diablo Immortal uses a Battle.net account. So if you’ve been playing the game in the guest mode so far, you’ll have to connect your game to your Battle.net account.

    Making a Battle.net account is fairly simple. You need to visit their website and sign up using your Google or Facebook account. This is a very important step if you want to transfer Diablo Immortal from one device to another.

    You can find our Diablo Immoral section here.

    Selling Diablo Immortal Account​

    If you’re selling your Diablo Immortal account, then you need to log it out of your current device. We are going to tell you an extremely easy way. This method doesn’t even require you to actually run the game. The process is fairly simple. Simply follow along:

    1. Open your game and click on the top left corner.


    2. This button will have your username written on it. Once you click on it, you’ll get an option to sign out.


    3. Click Sign out, and then you’re logged out of your Diablo Immortal account.

    Before sending your login details to the person who’s buying the account, make sure you remove any 2FA from your account, so it is easier for the other person to sign in.

    Buying Diablo Immortal Account​

    If you’re buying a Diablo Immortal account, then you need to learn how to sign in to your newly bought account. The process for that is also fairly simple. Make sure you clear your game data or reinstall the game before doing this.

    1. Open your game’s title screen and tap anywhere on the screen.


    2. A window will open us. It’ll give you an option to play as a guest or login. Click on the “Log In” button.


    3. Now another window will open. This is basically the Battle.net sign-in screen. Enter your details here, and you’ll be logged in to your new Diablo Immortal account.


    4. The buyer should then check the balance on the account to make sure it's not negative. If negative, that means payments have been disputed on the account. A buyer should check this with the seller before sending any payment.

    Tips for Sellers​

    • Make sure you have access to the associated email account so you can receive a code when customers demand one.
    • Don’t provide the login and codes before establishing mutual trust.
    • If the buyer refuses to go first and you don't trust them, try using Trade Guardian and hiring an official EPICSWP Middleman to assist you in completing a secure transaction.
    • Remove any payment links associated with your account, such as Google Pay.

    Tips for Buyers​

    • Verify that the account you’re buying matches the one that is being advertised.
    • After purchasing a Diablo Immortal account, make sure to secure your account by changing the password.
    • Make sure the account is not linked to another account, such as Facebook or Twitter. If it is, simply delink it and then secure it.

    What is Diablo Immortal?
    Blizzard Entertainment and NetEase created Diablo Immortal, a free-to-play MMORPG. Diablo Immortal's story is set between Diablo II's events and Diablo III's.

    Diablo Immortal is available for download from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. It is also available on PC, but we will talk about that another day.

    Thanks to the game’s insane popularity, many people like buying and selling Diablo Immortal accounts. So in this post, we'll go over everything you need to know about buying, selling, and transferring Diablo Immortal accounts.
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